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Multuply beams
BSH glulam

Multuply beams
BSH glulam

BSH beams are glue laminated beams in length and height, multiply in section. 

The multuply glulam beams consist of several KVH beams in their structure. Depending on the producer standards each lamella thickness is from 35 to 45 mm, mostly 40 mm.

The BSH beams got greater strength properties than the usual dry timber beams. This allows their use in roof constructions witch require wider free room without need of additional vertical props - up to 24 m'. Of course, the rwquired section size of the beams for the load must be calculated and specified only by a competent timber engineer-designer.

Due to thir production technology, BSH beams are usually planed and with chamfer. 



Type BSH
Timber coniferous
Section size starting from 60х120 mm
Length 13 500 mm
Humidity app. 14 +/- 2%



  • Roof timber construction
  • Walls construction
  • Pergolas
  • Decorative and construction elements
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